Monday, June 20, 2011

Your Right Mental Attitude

“I want to lose weight, I want to be happy, and I just wish I could fit back into my size 4 jeans… but the thing is, I am a mom of two, I have zero extra minutes in the day, my wallet has run dry… and I have NO ENERGY!”
Does that sound like you?
That was me! So trust me when I say this, I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY!!! You have a million reasons and excuses why it would be next to impossible to get the body you want and live the life you know you deserve…I GET IT! I’m right there with you!
As a mother of two, I know at times life can seem almost impossible to fit in any extra minutes to do anything for yourself, even something as simple as eating a meal.  We go, go, go, for our kids, and at some point along the way, we stop “going” for ourselves. Before Insanity, I would sometimes think back to the days when I was single and skinny, or even after I had lost all my baby weight with my first child, and I would often wonder what would my “skinny” self think of my “frumpy mother of two” self.  Then my mind would start making up every excuse in the book: “Well at that time I only had one. I had the gym daycare to watch him. Now I have two. It’s double the work load. They don’t always cooperate at the gym daycare. We were making more money then, I can’t afford the gym now...etc...” TRUST ME! I came up with EVERY excuse in the book and didn’t even realize I was making up excuses, I truly believed there was NO WAY to fit in workouts for myself. Especially since affording the gym now was out of the question! 
Then I came to the realization that I TRULY WAS making up excuses and I knew I couldn’t go on living my life this way. I made a list of things I was doing during my day and realized I DID HAVE TIME to workout. I took away all my “time wasters” and I MADE ROOM in my schedule for working out.  I made a promise to myself to STOP using my children or my pocket book as an EXCUSE for the way I looked. I realized that I had to  START using my children as a REASON to get in shape so that I could set an example for them to live an active and healthy lifestyle. I want the BEST for my kids, as does any parent, and as much as we may hate this, our kids will do as we do, not as we say. So I knew I needed to set the example NOW. I needed to make the time NOW.  
I don’t care how old your children are, they are watching your every move, whether it looks like they are or not. You are molding their future with every step you take or word you say.  Even in just the first week of working out, my 18 month old was copying my workout moves and did her version of the workout. 
and TRUST ME, my wallet is still empty, but EMOTIONAL emptiness is FAR WORSE then FINANCIAL emptiness...
{But Trista, it’s not that easy!}
Well,  IT NEVER IS! Nothing worth ANYTHING is EASY. 
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”
If you are READY to put on your RIGHT MENTAL ATTITUDE in order to live your BEST LIFE… THEN LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER!

Week one of Insanity!

Just posted a new video about my first week of Insanity! Check it out!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Beachbody Summit 2012

I JUST bought my ticket to the Beachbody Coach Summit next year!! I am so excited! So many coaches are at the 2011 Summit right now and are absolutely loving it! SO MUCH EXCITING NEW NEWS regarding Beachbody! I CAN NOT wait to see what next year brings!!!